Studiocharm Blog: Tricks and Treats: Halloween 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Tricks and Treats: Halloween 2007

I have many lists in my life. I have "should do's" "have to's" "want to's" and "will do's." I decided to endulge in a little "want to" time and sort through a few pictures from yesterday:

{a quick visit to Grandma & Grandpa's house . . . can you tell who is thrilled to be part of this photo?}

{Grandpa raked up the biggest pile of leaves EVER . . . just for the kids to play in. I even jumped in, and felt like I kid myself. Matthew was delighted with all of the crunchiness of his leafy mound. Our visit was longer than planned because I lost my car keys. After searching through the biggest pile of leaves EVER, we realized the keys were locked inside the car. A little help from AAA and 2 hours later we were finally home to greet Daddy-0 and ready to commence trick-or-treating. Good one, Amy. }

{Cool tree, great candy. My favorite trick-or-treating snap so far.}


{A. and the horse . . . actually she is supposed to BE the horse. Confusing but cute costume.}

{Loving interaction between my girls . . . lucky capture!}

{She's the toughest, sweetist li'l cowgirl around!}

{Watch out! This horse BITES!}

{This is M. in his "Mom got carried away bidding on a Tom Arma limited edition zebra costume on ebay" outfit. Isn't he the perfect zebra though?}

Now onto November. . . and I will share some photos from the cabin just as soon as I can. Promise.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand the "want-to's". . . don't we wish we all had more of that time!

I love coming to your blog. . . you inspire the creativity in me and make me want to go out and just take pictures all day long of everything and anything! Thanks for sharing your talents!

November 3, 2007 at 11:41 PM  

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