We'll Never Run Out
I jotted down this quote from my DD on a Hollywood Video receipt a few days ago while waiting at a stoplight. My DD has such an amazing perspective on life. She is my strong-willed, stubborn girl who can be the most loving, sweet thing minutes after throwing a tantrum. I wish I could switch my emotions that quickly! I scrapbooked this today while she was in her room on "time-out."
All brushes, backgrounds and photo frame by me-- the background was a rusty door bolted and welded shut. It had the word "LOVE" carved right into it. I couldn't think of a better background to illustrate S's tough, unmovable stubborn side- with pink frills and love on top. ;)

So far there are quite a few entries for the THURSDAY drawing. I am thinking next week I will hold another givaway with something else. This is fun!! I love finding out which photos appeal to people and why! Thanks for the comments!
Labels: digital scrapbooking
Can I borrow this little girl of yours? I love these sweet, innocent, and deep things she always comes up with...crowded happiness and now this! She's an angel!
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