Studiocharm Blog: So It Begins . . .

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So It Begins . . .

DH and I are parents to 2 beautiful little girls and a handsome boy. We know that we've already got our hands full, but I have often reassured myself that I have about a decade to prepare for all of the "teen issues" that we'll encounter. I felt like today we got our feet wet . . . a glimpse of the future, if you will.

S. had her very definite opinion that there was only ONE shirt that was the perfect shirt for today's outfit. 30 minutes later she emerged from her room wearing the shirt of her choice that was the shirt she had previously despised.

A. was practicing her selective hearing skills as I called out for her many times. She was in the bathroom testing out my nail polish. This was a first for her- and I have to say although she dripped it all over the bathroom counter and her pajama pants, her nails looked lovely. She had chosen the lightest, most shimmery color of my collection. (Thankfully!)

S. and her battles to get out of doing homework. Enough said.

and the one that really threw me for a loop . . .

s: Mom, today I kissed a boy.
me: What?!?
s: Well, he kissed me.
me: Where did he kiss you?
s: On the playground.
m: You shouldn't kiss boys or let them kiss you. You're way too young. You need to be a grown up like mom and dad.
s: why?

{I'm not ready to be a mom of teenagers!! Yikes! I am just trying to get the potty training thing down!}

So that was today- and I don't have any photos to back it up. We were just trying to stay afloat today, so the new 5D didn't make it out to play. :)



Blogger Zina said...

Awww, kissing on the playground is so cute, though. (I do of course agree she's too young.) Too bad you missed getting a photo. :)

I'm actually kind of looking forward to my kids' teenage years, except for the part where they get busy and spend less time with me. My Mom says she enjoyed us as teenagers (for the most part.)

January 14, 2008 at 11:34 PM  

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