T'is the Season

{Have you ever seen such darling elves? S. did a great job in her program . . . she didn't have a problem finding me in the audience . . . I was the mom with the huge lens in front of her face.}
{Mr. Snow Rex survived the night despite severe cracking at the base of his tail. He actually lasted nearly a week before he toppled over!}
{"Mom! Come see the train!"}
{Innocent baby brother}
{"Don't ruin my train!!" ~ A. attempts to thwart M's efforts to displace her toy arrangement.}
One quick story: A couple of days ago we decided to pick up some fast food for dinner at Burger King. Usually DH drives and I distribute food to the family from the passenger seat. For some reason, I was in the driver's seat this night. I snacked on french fries while K. proceeded to pass food to the kids and to eat his Whopper and such. He complained several times that his burger didnt' didn't taste right, like it had some weird sauce on it . . . or something. Perhaps it tasted weird because he had a cold? He finished it off and then looked through the paper sack again. To his surprise, he found an extra burger. I said, "No, that one is my garden burger." (I am a vegetarian and have been since I was about 3 years old). Then at the same time we both burst out in laughter, as we realized he had eaten my veggie burger (all the while thinking it was a whopper-gone-bad.). So I ate his whopper (minus the meat patty) and he thinks we're even now. (If you count eating a veggie burger as punishment enough for eating someone else's dinner!) :)
Labels: family, inspiration
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