Studiocharm Blog: Three Little Ladies in Red Peacoats

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Three Little Ladies in Red Peacoats

I've been so anxious to post these photos from a session this week! I've had the privelege of photographing these little girls on many occasions . . . the first time was when the twins (now toddlers) were itty bitty newborns. It has been amazing to see how they have grown up in such a short time, and big sister has really grown into her role too.

So here they are again- in their dazzling Christmas dresses and red peacoats. Enjoy!!

{mesmerizing beauty}

{Just turned . . . one, two . . . three.}

{curiosity mixed with serenity}

{The girls were fascinated with the salt on the steps- placed there to melt the ice or as supplemental minerals for children. :) }

{Sweet smooches.}

{Snatching Mom's jewelry and trying it on in front of the mirror . . .what a little lady!}

{Lovely family photo next to the cozy fireplace. This was actually one of the first shots of the session, and the girls knew just what to do.}

{I love being a photographer when I feel I blend into the scene and just observe as a fly on the wall. I LOVE to see how families interact and the bonds they share and create. This photo does that for me.}

{Nearly zonked. Toward the end of the session this little one fell asleep in her daddy's arms}

{Alone time? What is alone time when you've got three little kids at home?}
To the D Fam: thanks for a fun session and for trusting my artistic judgement. I am so flattered to see the growing gallery of photography in your home that you have allowed me to be a part of. One of my favorite parts of the whole session was when sweet J. wanted me to hold her. That was great! Your cards will be here Monday . . . I can hardly wait! I am as excited to see them as if they were my own family's cards. They are going to be gorgeous!!

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Blogger Jessica D. said...

Oh my goodness, those pictures are gorgeous Amy! I love the strong contrasts of the girl's red coats(so Euro fashion!) with the backgrounds. Also the candid, simple family shots. Great artistry Amy!

December 10, 2007 at 11:46 AM  
Blogger Shelley said...

What a beautiful family. I love the steps and wood door, perfect location. I think my favorite is mom with her three girlies.

December 12, 2007 at 5:54 AM  

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