Right Back At Ya!

{this little guy knows who's boss around here--he's pointing at his reflection in my lens!}
Thanks people for continuing to check out this often neglected blog. I have about 100 posts lined up in my head--even with photos to illustrate them, but alas, my time is more limited than ever. I consider my blogging time a luxury, which follows family time, church time & work time. Interestingly enough, at the end of the day it comes down to two choices: sleep vs. updating my blog. You can see who the winner in the past couple of months. I feel blessed with friends and family members who have checked in to see how things are going on account of my blog absence. Thank you. I have been more diligent with updating my tilt photography blog, in case you want to see more photo sessions.
As you may have noticed our updated family tree (see previous post). We're so excited to be expecting a baby in the spring . . . May 7th is the due date. Almost half-way there and ever since Thanksgiving dinner my pregnant shape become more obvious! I guess my sister's coconut cream pie really did stick to my ribs!
We have our 20 week ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday. I think I'd be up for a surprise in not finding out the baby's gender, but DH wants to know. We have our work cut out for us in naming this little one--A's suggestion was "Crayon" but I'm thinking something else would be more appropriate. (Today she made another crayon comment- asking for the "naked crayon" meaning the red one with out the wrapper. I thought it was quite funny.)
We decorated our Christmas tree tonight, mostly following the lead of the kids who were so excited to pull ornaments out and string beads and hang anything with a string. It is amazing how many ornaments they remember from last year. They are sure growing up!
I hope to add more pictures soon of our latest adventures. Thanks for checking in!!