Just checking in, seeing as I have devoted such a measly amount of attention to my blog family as of late. Life has certainly been busy and I can hardly believe that our summer days are dwindling!
Recent projects include:Photo shoots and then some more shoots
Big changes to Studiocharm
Studio construction--drywall, framing and new steps this week
Completion of a mural project (yes, I still paint once in a while)
Watching the Olympics!! Go USA :)
School shopping with the kiddos- back to school already?
A fabulous wedding I photographed last Saturday-- will be posting pictures soon!
A last-minute campout with the family also last Saturday
Two HUGE (7'x5') faux stained glass windows nearing completion
Working on keeping the dirty dishes at bay
Marketing plans for upcoming expo and boutiques- Sept. & Oct.
Discovering dino bones at
Thanksgiving Point (see photo)
Desperately wanting to find time to update the website and this rusty old blog.
Watching my kiddos closely so that they don't grow up too fast. I think it is already happening!
Smoochin' the DH- can't resist this one! ;)
Reception to photograph tomorrow night in Provo Canyon
RS responsibilities (trying to keep my church commitments a priority- I am currently serving in the
Relief Society)
and last but not least, burning the midnight oil.
Q: I've been asked from time to time, "How do you do it all?"A: "I don't . . . I just do a little of a lot of things. I struggle to keep a balance and know that I will be working at that for the rest of my life."A quote from my 6 year old S. while completely enamored with Presto the Magician at a magic show we attended last week: "
He's magic alright!!" She was in awe of his awesome skills, and I admit being impressed too. I wish I had a bit of his magic powers. One of the first things I'd do with said powers is tackle that ever expanding laundry mountain!

{Having a little fun along the way while trying to keep my sweet little ones safe from the giant brontosaurus feet! M. has the most awesome sound effects of a dinosaur growl. He melts my heart.}
Labels: just me