Studiocharm Blog: March 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007


Saturday was a delightful day-- it was so fun to take advantage of the spring sunshine we are currently enjoying. Here are a few photos from a family/ newborn session that morning. These two little boys are so handsome with stunning eyes and darling dimples- such a beautiful family!

{father & son. Eighteen months = as fast as lightening. Good thing for my fast camera shutter and quick feet! It was so fun to capture him while on his outdoor exploration of the yard. Toddlers this age are ideally photographed while at play, especially outdoors. I love it when they seem to forget they are being photographed!}

{Just look at those gorgeous eyes! Truly the window to the soul.}

--Looking forward to creating a custom birth announcement with more photos of this little guy!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Gotta Love It, Baby!

A fun session with out-of-state friends . . . so fun to catch up and also meet their newest addition {who'll be turning ONE in the near future!}

{Can you believe this little guy's gorgeous red hair and sweet dimpled chin? So cute!}

{hold on tight! Big sis helps to secure baby bro. for the shot.}

{fruit loop bribery . . . or sharing. Call it what you want! :) }

{all three kids in the same place at the same time- quite an amazing feat!}

BTW- this is what I call a "vintage tint."


I've been so fortunate this past week to enjoy three great sessions with plenty of little cuties to photograph! Sunshine on the first day of spring and sunshine in the eyes of a sweet sister and brother. I just love it when something so huge as LOVE is somehow captured in a freeze-frame less than 1/60 th of a second.

{the true definition of a contagious smile}

{I could keep going with photos of this little guy!}

He is a true miracle . . . born 2 months early and less than 4 pounds and here he is- a healthy eleven months. Amazing!}

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Fun

Here are a few favorites from Saturday. The shoot was for the younger sister's baptism invites, and there are so many beautiful ones to enjoy. BTW, invites will be ready in the next day or two!

{I couldn't help but snap this one of big sis. decked out in her St. Patrick's Day green. I love the urban acid action on this photo!}

{simply beautiful}


Monday, March 12, 2007

My Good Luck Charms

Thought I'd share a few of the kiddos today. The green theme to complement St. Patrick's Day.

{S- at almost 5 years is very anxious to wear green this Saturday. She has inventoried all clothing to make sure each family member has something green to wear. She was very concerned to discover that Dad does not have green clothing (except for his scout shirt). We get this daily reminder: "If someone pinches you and you are wearing green, you get to pinch them back TEN TIMES!" We're thinking up a green menu for the day, as this has become a much anticipated holiday.}

{A- almost 3, playing leap-frog on the trampoline. This is out of character for her, as she is usually pretending to be a puppy. S- is her trainer.}

{M- the little guy . . . or not so little guy. 4 months old this week and a couple ounces away from 16 pounds. All of my babies follow this growth curve, so he's right on track with his sisters. M's good luck charm is his binky. This will be what he's wearing for St. Patty's.}

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sweet Three Weeks

Pure sweetness at three weeks . . . he has the biggest, alert eyes and is just perfect. So many great shots to choose from, it will hard to narrow it down for the online session. I'm looking forward to designing his baby announcement. Here are a few of my favorite picks from today's session:

{I just love this one of mom & baby. So serene.}

{in Daddy's hands}

{a little splash of color and a cozy, warm newborn . . . what could be better?}


Friday, March 9, 2007

Oh Boy!

This little spud is so adorable! I love his beautiful eyes and squishy soft skin. These 3 month photos show he's no longer a newborn but he's still just as cuddly and lovable. To mom & dad- you'd better watch out, you've got a heart-breaker on your hands. Hope you enjoy these!

{Baby's mom has the swaddling thing down. He makes for a cute little bundle!}

No other place he'd rather be . . .


Thursday, March 8, 2007

Three Princesses

A few favorites from yesterday's photo shoot. I made the tutus for a little extra fun. (Maybe in another post I will explain how to make an easy, no-sew tutu!)

I first met this family before the twins were even born. It has been a blast photographing them from the start and seeing how much they have grown in less than a year! The babies are now on the move, along with 2 yr old big sis. So many fun photos--can't wait for parents to see 'em.

{piano lessons x 3}

{ gorgeous little doll in her Easter dress}

{one of the last shots before naptime! These babies nearly fell asleep in their tutus!}


Saturday, March 3, 2007

A little about me . . .

I am happily married the "boy next-door" ands we are parents to three beautiful children (as you can see, even their toes are gorgeous!).
I come from a family of artists: painters, furniture designers, musicians, actors, screenwriters, photographers, architects and teachers. (Yes, my family is that big! 9 kids in all). I am passionate/ obsessed about all things creative. I have been blessed with an abundance of opportunities to utilize my creative energy!
I must admit, I have been bitten by the blog bug. I have recently been inspired by several enlightening and worthwhile blogs and have finally decided to join in on the fun. I make no guarantees as to whether reading my ramblings will add to your life or even your day. I hope you will be pleasantly surprised, and if anything at least the photos will add a little interest. :)
So visit often, share your thoughts, and we'll see where this takes us . . .

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